Welcome to my blog!
Here, you’ll find the weekly updates of my journey as a solo founder of an early-stage technology startup. The goal of these posts is to share the story and learnings as they unfold in real time instead of after success or failure has been reached. By de-romanticizing the narrative, I hope to share information, ideas, and challenges in a transparent manner that sparks conversation and inspires change.
Who am I? I’m an engineer who said yes to an idea. I’m a leader who’s ready to take on business challenges from the top instead of the bottom. I’m a community builder ready to set an example for inclusive and equitable workplaces. And I’m a founder of a music and technology startup.
Blogs not your style?
Just. Keep. Going.
It has been nine months since I started my journey as a full time entrepreneur in the tech space. In that amount of time, I have started and left two projects with different people and started a third on my own. It’s easy to look back on the year and feel like nothing was accomplished after two false starts and barely getting a start on the third. However, a good friend and former colleague reminded me of something:
This is normal.

Back Online 📶
I’ve been away from the blog for a few weeks and so to the world it seems like things stopped moving. In reality, it’s been the exact opposite. I started working on a new business venture. I have alluded to it previously, leaving little easter eggs in previous blog and social posts, but I’ll tell you a little more about it now. 🧘

Mission Accomplished 🚀
My First Startup is in the Books. ✅
This was a week that took an unexpected turn. Within a matter of days, our startup that was just beginning to pick up momentum ended with an impasse between myself and my co-founder. Let’s talk about what happened.